Your Vote Matters on April 8, 2025
How We Choose Candidates
Francis Howell Forward is a nonpartisan Political Action Committee (PAC). We seek candidates who uphold our mission to protect public schools and prepare our students for their future in a diverse workforce. We are dedicated to a transparent endorsement process.
As we enter our third election cycle as an organization, we strive to model collaborative, adaptive, and honest civic leadership for our future leaders. This year, we were honored to interview many upstanding community members who were eager to set a new direction for our district. When we met Amy Gryder and Sarah Oelke, we knew we could not wait to introduce them to our community. Not only do these women align with our mission, they bring a unique skill set to the table.
​Amy, a successful corporate product leader, has been a strong advocate and parent in our district for many years. Through the most divisive moments of the culture war, Amy has been a voice of calm and reason. Sarah, a current public educator and parent, brings not only vital education experience but also business analysis skills. Together, these candidates are ready to tackle the most
challenging obstacles in our district: facing the fiscal cliff, improving teacher retention, and advancing our culture and climate. We trust these candidates will listen to the patrons of our district and make decisions to benefit all Francis Howell students.
Please note: If you were interested in running for the board this cycle and we missed you, please reach out! Let's chat about next year.